Care Quality Commission City Of London to Victoria
Contracted office
Care Quality Commission
City Of London to Victoria
How we helped
Public and third Healthcare Commercial property and asset management
Get in touch
Alexandra Houghton
Partner, Consultancy & Strategy
020 7518 3225 Email me

Care Quality Commission was seeking advice and technical support through the identification of options and approvals process for the relocation of the organisation’s headquarter accommodation.

This resulted in consolidation and a move across London but still within the Civil Estate. An Outline Business Case, using the approved HMT ‘Green Book’ methodology was provided. This compared various options on the quantitative and qualitative criteria, with cost benefit analysis to ensure the best value option carrying minimum risk was identified. The preferred option was reviewed and approved by the Department of Health.

“I was impressed by Carter Jonas’s approach, specifically, the depth of clarifying answers, and effective use of face-to-face meetings and technology in order to fine-tune the case and test assumptions. A robust financial and commercial Business Case was delivered that was very well received by our Executive Team, praised by our CEO and resulted in approval by our board for our preferred accommodation relocation option.”
Andrew Evans, Estates and Facilities, CQC

How we helped: Technical support in the form of options identification, options appraisal and preparation of Business Case for internal and External Approvals.