Key changes in policy and regulation will shape future design and may impact levels of construction in the short- to medium- term.

Energy efficiency policy

  • Changes to Part L (conservation of fuel and power) of UK Building Regulations came into force in 2022, enforcing higher performance targets and an emphasis on low carbon heating systems. 

  • Likewise, the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) amplifies the focus on buildings that are sustainable and energy efficient. The regulation imposes a minimum requirement on let commercial properties of an EPC rating of C (currently an E) in 2027 and EPC B rating in 2030. New private rented residential properties will require an EPC C rating from 2025, and existing tenancies have until 2028. 

  • These new regulations may mean that building designs and construction becomes more complex, demanding more specialised skills and sophisticated materials, all of which will put pressure on building costs. 

Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) 

  • As imposed by the 2021 Environment Act, property and infrastructure developments in England will be required to deliver a mandatory 10% net gain in biodiversity (BNG) from Autumn 2023.


  • This can be achieved by creating new habitats or enhancing existing ones.


  • Where on-site delivery is unviable, BNG ‘units’ must be purchased elsewhere.


  • As we move closer to autumn, supply pressures look likely and, as competition for BNG units emerges, prices will push upwards. It’s possible that this will be a roadblock for development, as a lack of supply slows down the planning process and subsequent construction.
Get in touch
Colin Brown
Partner, Head of Planning & Development
01223 326826 Email me About Colin
William Rooke
Partner, Commercial
01223 326815 Email me
David Wood
020 7529 1519 Email me About David
Sophie Davidson
Research Associate
020 7493 0685 Email me

Colin is a Partner and was appointed Head of Planning & Development Division in November 2020, he is based out of our Cambridge office.  He has over 25 years’ experience of planning consultancy and has a broad sphere of work.  He acts for a wide range of private, institutional and developer clients and has worked on significant planning applications and appeals.

Chartered quantity surveyor with over 20 years of experience

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