Reserved matters approval secured for 81 residential dwellings, Lakenheath
Date of Article
Aug 27 2021
Commercial sectors

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Our professionals have assisted Evera Homes in securing reserved matters approval for 81 residential dwellings on land off Rabbit Hill Covert, Station Road, Lakenheath. 

The proposals will form the first phase of the redevelopment, with a further 375 dwellings, a primary school and commercial space to be delivered at a later stage.

Case study one - map of Lakenheath - Planning and Development bulletin Aug 21

A range of house types will be provided within the scheme, with 30% of the units being affordable. On the site, the existing landscape tree belt buffers will be retained and integrated into the proposals with connections to adjoining land also secured. A high-quality development will be provided which will enhance the setting of Lakenheath.  

Evera is a housing developer made up of four award winning housing associations (Cross Keys Homes, Longhurst, Hyde and Flagship Group) and their plan is to deliver the start of 2,000 new homes on site by 2023, which these 81 dwellings will contribute towards.