Midlands Planning Team Sponsor RTPI Young Planners event
Date of Article
Sep 30 2021
Planning & development

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Laura Stops
Associate Partner, Planning & Development
0121 8207963 Email me About Laura
Laura is an Associate Partner with over 8 years post-qualification experience. She joined Carter Jonas in July 2021 and prior to this gained experience in both the public and private sector. Laura specialises in large-scale residential applications and site promotions, including new settlements and Green Belt release for national and local house builders, private developers and promoters and landowners. She is also highly experienced in acting for clients on industrial, commercial and retail projects, including brownfield redevelopment, stakeholder engagement and town centre uses.She provides clients with planning strategies, prepares and project manages complex planning applications, leads on Appeals and prepares representations and attends hearings in respect of site promotion.

The Midlands Planning Team are delighted that we are sponsoring the sold-out RTPI West Midlands Young Planner’s “Welcome Back” event on the 7th October which is the first ‘in-person’ event the Young Planners have held for over 18 months.

We are looking forward to attending the event which is open to all planners with less than ten years' post-qualification experience and catching up with new and old friends.