The GLA have commenced consultation on the draft Design and Characterisation guidance which is a suite of documents that provides guidance on design and urban characterisation in London.
The guidance includes the following four documents:
- Housing Design Standards LPG
- Characterisation and Growth Strategies LPG
- Small Site Design Codes LPG
- Optimising Site Capacity: A Design-led Approach LPG
The guidance documents are to be read alongside the London Plan and outline how policies within the Plan should be implemented with the aim being to ensure that land is being used in the best way to deliver the right quantity of new housing, at the right quality, in the right place, embedding high-quality design at the centre of housing delivery.
The consultation is running from 11th February 2022 until 27th March 2022.
For advice on what the draft Design and Characterisation guidance means for your site, please contact one of our professionals in the London Planning team: